New PICTURE paper on depressive symptoms in patients with glioma
Our team recently published a new paper where we discovered that an absence of depressive symptoms and severe depressive symptoms are both associated with the location of the tumor in patients with glioma.
Find the paper here:
Tumor location is associated with mood dysfunction in patients with diffuse glioma
With the accompanying research briefing:
Diffuse glioma location is associated with extremes of depressive symptoms
The paper received Dutch media attention as well including an interview by Philip de Witt Hamer in NRC newspaper.
NRC: Patiënten met een hersentumor kunnen zo laconiek zijn dat familieleden ze niet meer herkennen
Medisch Contact: Locatie hersentumor bepalend voor stemingsstoornis
Amsterdam UMC CCA: Hersentumor beïnvloedt het gevoelsleven van de patiënt